Monday, June 16, 2008

Even in France, Its a Small, Small World!

We slept like logs last night after the adreneline of the day wore off. Once we were up and around it was off to see the sights of the Old West, Paris Disney!

We rode the obligatory It's A Smaal World ride, and heard the song sung in many diffent languagesReece and I were inspired by the many different cultures we encountered to experiment with new hairstyles:

We treated Mom like a queen all day,

and then she took a well deserved nap,

while Reece mingled with celebrities.

The weather was really close to perfect. It was cool all day and there is very low humidity. The park was not crowded and we never waited very long for any ride. Space Montain, Mission 2, was our favorite - Reece and I rode it four times.

Here are a couple of pics of our temporary French home.

Tomorrow we are going to visit museums in Paris.



Anonymous said...

These pics rock!

Anonymous said...

Hey J, R, & MP! We want lots more pictures so we can be there with you!

I am so glad you all were able to be well and together for this memory maker! We are waiting for any and all you will send us! Hugs and Kisses! Love, R, M, & K